The method describes how to determine the nitrite content of water photometrically with a cuvette test.
In an acidic solution, nitrite reacts with primary aromatic amines, producing diazonium salts. Together with aromatic compounds, they form azo compounds, which contain an amino or hydroxyl group and exhibit an intense color.
The method describes how to determine the anion content of water by means of ion chromatography.
Water intended for use as an ingredient in the production of beer (brewing liquor) or other foods
Separation using ion chromatography and subsequent conductivity detection (of other anions as well)
Determination of the concentration of the anions bromide, chloride, fluoride, nitrate, nitrite, oxalate, phosphate and sulfate through ion chromatography
Water, wort, beer, NAB and beverages as well as malt and hops
Separation of bromide, chloride, fluoride, nitrate, nitrite, oxalate, phosphate and sulfate through ion chromatography followed by conductivity detection