Determination of the aromatic alcohols guaiacol, tryptophol, 4-ethyl guaiacol, 4-vinyl guaiacol, eugenol, tyrosol, 4-ethylphenol, 2-phenylethanol in beer
The method is suitable for beer brewed to any original gravity or to any alcohol content.
The aromatic alcohols in beer are isolated using solid-phase extraction and are detected using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
A specific score sheet, developed for Southern German-style wheat beer (weißbier) by Herrmann and Sacher, is used to supplement the DLG Score Sheet for Beer.
Southern German-style wheat beer
Aside from evaluating the criteria flavor, fullness, liveliness and bitterness, based on the DLG Quality Assessment for Beer (refer to S.590.53.700 Einzelprobenprüfung zur Qualitätskontrolle von Bier - DLG-Prüfschema für Bier), the additional gustatory impressions of the four prevailing Southern German wheat beer styles are examined more closely.