S-590.61.700 [2013-02] Modified "Trueness-of-type" Score Sheet


This method describes how to perform sensory analysis of beer using the modified "Trueness-of-Type" scheme. 

Scope of Application



The “trueness-to-type” scheme from the Institute of Brewing (IOB) [1] served as the basis for the sensory evaluation scheme according to SCHÖNBERGER (2003, 2004). According to defined sensory objectives, the descriptions of the sensory attributes are selected from the flavor wheel and divided into positive and negative characteristics. The positive attributes are evaluated on a scale from 0 to 3 to 0 (6). A value of 3 signifies the optimal intensity of a particular attribute, and therefore the values 0 and 6 represent weak and strong expressions of the same attribute, respectively. The negative descriptions of sensory attributes are evaluated by the taster on a three-point scale. The difference in the totals between the positive and negative attributes represents the final evaluation of the beer. In addition, the intensity of the attributes can be plotted on a spider diagram. 
