This method describes the determination of the extract content of malt through the application of a complete extraction technique.
Malt intended for use in beer brewing or elsewhere in the food industry
Since the Congress mash method does not accurately quantify the extract content of malt, an attempt was made to eliminate the sources of error present in the method. The method described below incorporates the procedure for producing a Congress mash according to the EBC, followed by a complete extraction of the dissolved substances with a suitable apparatus. After the extraction is complete, the weight is determined. This method is preferred for determining brewhouse yield (e.g., during brewhouse equipment commissioning tests).
Water intended for use as an ingredient in the production of beer (brewing liquor) or other foods
A specified quantity of water is evaporated, and any remaining moisture is subsequently eliminated in a drying oven. The dry residue is then weighed.
Standardized extraction process with potassium hydrogen phthalate at pH 4.0 for use with filter media/filter aids.
Suitable for all common filter media/filter aids.
Elements (cations) from filter media/filter aids are extracted for determination using AAS, ICP-OES or ICP-MS at a pH 4.0.
The method provides an estimate of the portion of pre-germinated barley grains at the time of harvest or prior to storage in silos.
Barley intended for the production of malt is evaluated with regard to pre-germination.
The onset of germination is accompanied by the synthesis of enzymes, which can be made visible using fluorescein dibutyrate (FDB). The reagent fluoresces in the presence of lipases.
In order to make the enzyme activity visible, the kernels are first split in half and coated with the FDB reagent after which they are examined in a suitable measuring device under UV light. An intense yellow fluorescence can be seen in the parts of the kernels where enzyme activity is present.
This method describes how to determine the extract content of malt used to produce laboratory wort.
Malt intended for use in beer brewing or elsewhere in the food industry
The extract content of malt refers to the compounds from finely ground malt (fine grind), which are brought into solution during a standardized mashing process.
The extract content is determined by the weight ratio sL 20/20 of the wort on the basis of the official sugar tables (Plato tables) at 20 °C. sL 20/20 stands for the weight ratio of a volume of wort at 20 °C to the same volume of water at the same temperature.
Malt intended for use in beer brewing or elsewhere in the food industry