This method describes how to evaluate the degree of contamination present in a lot of barley as part of the visual and manual inspection process.
Barley intended for the production of malt is to be evaluated on the basis of the characteristics described below.
Visual inspection for the presence of foreign grain or contaminants. Also refer to R-110.22.011 Sortierung von Gerste.
This method evaluates the varietal purity of a lot of barley by means of the HCl test.
Barley intended for the production of malt is to be evaluated on the basis of the characteristics described below.
This test detects the presence of most varieties of two-rowed and multi-rowed winter barley possessing a green aleurone layer. This test is based upon the reaction between HCl and the green pigment, which turns red in its presence.
During sensory evaluation, the cones are rubbed between the hands and the quality of the aroma is distinguished in terms of purity, fineness and intensity.
Whole hops intended for use in beer brewing or elsewhere in the food industry
Evaluation of the aroma of hop cones is performed through visual and manual inspection.
Points to be awarded: 1−30
Whole leaf hops which are intended for use in the brewing and food production industries
Whole leaf hops are typically evaluated before being processed further by hop product manufacturers or prior to use in a brewery. It is recommended that an evaluation sheet be used for manual evaluation of hops such as the "Evaluation Form" from the Gesellschaft für Hopfenforschung e.V.
This method describes how to determine not only the variety of barley but whether a lot of barley consists of a mix of varieties.
Barley intended for malt production as well as barley malt
Separation and identification of the protein (hordein) fraction of barley or barley malt by means of gel electrophoresis. The method is suitable for all types of barley, as long as reference substances are available. However, the method cannot be used to identify barley varieties used to produce malt that has been so strongly modified that the protein fraction is almost completely degraded.
This method describes how to evaluate the degree of contamination or the purity of malt as part a manual inspection procedure.
Malt intended for use in beer brewing or elsewhere in the food industry.
Visual examination of malt for foreign objects. Refer to the Sieving Test for Malt (R-200.08.011).