This method describes how to determine the quantity of pests present in a lot of barley using visual and manual inspection processes.
Barley intended for the production of malt is to be evaluated on the basis of the characteristics described below.
Visual and, if applicable, an aural assessment of the barley.
Hops and hop products intended for use in beer brewing or elsewhere in the food industry
The respective constituents of hops are not uniformly distributed throughout the cones. The aroma compounds and bitter substances are found in the lupulin glands inside the cone, adhering to the cone bracteoles near the strig. The polyphenols, on the other hand, are found in the bracts, bracteoles and stems. In order to reliably analyze the constituents of hop cones, homogenization of the sample is required. For this purpose, the cones are ground and the sample is divided.
Whole hops intended for use in beer brewing or elsewhere in the food industry
Evaluation of the appearance of hop cones is performed through visual and manual inspection.
The method describes the conditions under which sensory analysis should be carried out.
beer, beer-based beverages, non-alcoholic beverages, mineral water
Using suitable tasting glasses is one of the fundamental prerequisites for the properly structured sensory evaluation of a beverage.
This method describes the conditions under which sensory analysis is to be performed.
Beer, beer-based beverages, non-alcoholic beverages, mineral water
One of the fundamental prerequisites for a properly structured sensory evaluation of beverages is training members of the tasting panel.
The method describes the approach for conducting the duo-trio test.
beer, beer-based beverages, non-alcoholic beverages, mineral water
This method can be employed to reveal slight differences between two samples (water, wort, beer), e.g., type and expression of specific attributes or the overall impression.
This method is especially appropriate for a trained tasting panel, if a known product can be employed as a control sample (e.g., beer from a current production run). With an untrained tasting panel and/or unknown samples, one of the pair of samples is used as a control sample. The paired comparison method is better suited for evaluating samples possessing a lingering aftertaste.