This method describes how to determine the mycological status of a lot of barley as part of visual and manual inspections.
Kernels with a visually recognizable fungal infection is distinguished primarily by a black but at times pinkish red (barley) or white (wheat) discoloration over part or all of its surface. Pinkish red or white kernels indicate an infection by a species of Fusarium.
This method describes how to evaluate the color and luster of malt as part of a manual inspection procedure.
Malt intended for use in beer brewing or elsewhere in the food industry.
Visual evaluation of the color and luster of malt
This method describes how to evaluate the degree of contamination present in a lot of barley as part of the visual and manual inspection process.
Barley intended for the production of malt is to be evaluated on the basis of the characteristics described below.
Visual inspection for the presence of foreign grain or contaminants. Also refer to R-110.22.011 Sortierung von Gerste.
This method is suitable for (bottom-fermented) beer and beverages.
The fraction of phenols extracted using steam are converted to color complex using 4-amino-2,3-dimethyl-1-phenyl-3-pyrazolin-5-one (4-aminophenazone) in an alkaline medium and through oxidation with potassium ferrocyanide (III), which can be measured spectrophotometrically after extraction with chloroform (fig. 1).