Determination of the SGA20/20 submerged weight ratio of a liquid
Wort, beer, beer-based beverages, NAB, beverages, liquid
By precisely weighing the volume of a solution (wort or beer) against the same volume of a reference solution (water) at 20 °C, the relationship of the submerged weights (specific gravity), which are dependent on their buoyancy, is calculated through division and is expressed as SGA20/20 [1].
Determination of the density of a liquid using an aræometer (Archimedes' principle)
beer, beer-based beverages, NAB, beverages, liquid
Determining the density by using the buoyancy of a hollow body of constant volume requires an aræometer (hydrometer) with a suitable measurement range. The buoyancy corresponds to the weight of the water displaced by the submerged hollow body and is directly proportional to the density of the displaced fluid.