2023 – Back to normal?

Another eventful year in many respects is coming to an end. A bit of normality can be felt again. There is more togetherness again, more personal meetings, which we all certainly missed very much in the time before. We do not yet dare to speak of a time after the pandemic. With Russia's war against Ukraine, new challenges have come and are coming, which we all feel and which has touched all of our lives in many ways. In this respect, we certainly all wish for much more of a "back to normal" feeling. But another sad news has reached the brewing industry this year: Ludwig Narziß died on November 29, 2022, at the age of 97. With this, one of the most important brewing scientists of the last century passed away. Fortunately, he has recorded many things in books and publications and so many generations will continue to benefit from his wealth of knowledge.

Another eventful year is also coming to an end for MEBAK. There were two meetings, one in Graefeling and one in Berlin. Both meetings were held in person, although members could also join online. For all attendees it was nice to meet old and new MEBAKers again after a long "abstinence" and to find time for a personal exchange in addition to the work items. In this context also two new experts could be welcomed in the round of MEBAK: Dipl.-Ing. Dario Cotterchio and Dr. Silvija Abakuks. Much of the work at MEBAK takes place behind the scenes of the meetings in the working groups, which continued to be energetically active, revising and evaluating methods. This is what MEBAK thrives on, and through this work, the working groups help ensure that MEBAK can continue to respond thoughtfully to future trends and put them into action in a timely manner! With the successful online launch, things are moving quickly and this dynamic is noticeable: the first method revisions have already been incorporated and the method database is constantly being updated. The latest updates can be viewed here. By the way, this year's Christmas picture (see right) was created with an AI. Whether you like it or not is certainly a matter of taste. But surely it stands for a new time and for many innovations. On January 2, the MEBAK method collection will go online in English. The Microbiology volume is in its final stages. One can be curious what other renewals and changes will be published next year on the part of MEBAK. A lot continues to happen. Thanks to the effort and work of all MEBAKers and supporters.

Does this year feel normal again now? Somehow, "not yet," is probably what most are saying. But like last year, it's going on. And it goes on. And the best way to go is together.

With this in mind, the Board of Directors and the Press Officer of MEBAK e.V. wish everyone a happy holiday season and a good start to 2023. And above all: stay healthy!
