Determination of nitrogenous compounds in beer and wort (crude protein) detectable using Kjeldahl digestion
This method is suitable for wort and beer.
Nitrogen determination according to Kjeldahl is divided into the following steps:
Digestion of the sample (oxidation of proteins to H2O, CO2 and NH3), during which the NH3 is carried over in (NH4)2SO4 using H2SO4
Distillation (distillation of NH3 over into a boric acid solution)
Titration (determination of the amount of NH3 present in the receiver after distillation) [1]
Valid for all non-turbid beers
By incrementally adding increasing amounts of a saturated ammonium sulfate solution to beer, haze appears as a result of protein precipitation. The amount of the ammonium sulfate solution necessary to produce haze is directly proportional to the stability of the beer. The ammonium sulfate precipitation value expresses the ml of saturated ammonium sulfate solution that must be added to 100 ml of beer in order to produce a barely perceptible opalescence.
This method describes how the protein content in adjuncts is determined.
This method describes how the protein content in adjuncts is determined.
This method describes how the protein content in adjuncts is determined.
This method describes how the protein content in adjuncts is determined.