Determination of the nickel content by means of spectrophotometry
Suitable for all types of wort, beer and beer-based beverages
After digestion of the sample, a complex is formed with dimethylglyoxime which is then measured photometrically.
Determination of the nickel content using an AAS graphite furnace
Suitable for all types of wort, beer and beer-based beverages
Nickel is measured using the flameless graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. The determination is carried out at 232.0 nm. This process is well-suited for determining trace quantities of nickel in beer. Matrix effects, which may occur, are eliminated through the use of a standard addition calibration procedure. A palladium magnesium modifier reduces interference from compounds in the beer matrix.
Suitable for analysis of all (laboratory) wort samples
Atomic emission spectroscopy, also known as optical emission spectroscopy, in conjunction with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-AES or ICP-OES) is a technique used to determine and measure elements based on the phenomenon of atomic emission. The solutions to be analyzed are nebulized and the resulting aerosol is transported with the help of a carrier gas into an inductively coupled plasma (ICP). There, the elements are excited to a higher energy state, causing emissions. The spectrometer separates these emissions into individual wavelengths, and the intensities of the spectral lines of the element are measured with detectors (photomultipliers). A qualitative measurement is possible by calibrating the instrument with reference solutions, whereby a linear relationship exists over a broad range (generally several orders of magnitude) between the intensities of the emission lines (spectra) and the concentrations of the elements.
Determination of the sodium content by means of AAS
Suitable for all types of wort, beer and beer-based beverages
The sodium in beer is determined using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) by directly aspirating the diluted sample into an acetylene oxygen flame. The measurement occurs at 589.0 nm. A cesium chloride addition reduces interference from the ionization of compounds in the beer matrix.
Determination of the potassium content by means of AAS
Suitable for all types of wort, beer and beer-based beverages
The potassium in beer is determined using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) by directly aspirating the diluted sample into an acetylene oxygen flame. The measurement occurs at 766.5 nm. A cesium chloride addition reduces interference from the ionization of compounds in the beer matrix.
Determination of the magnesium content by means of AAS
Suitable for all types of wort, beer and beer-based beverages
The magnesium in beer is determined using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) by directly aspirating the diluted sample into an acetylene oxygen flame. The measurement occurs at 285.2 nm. A lanthanum chloride addition reduces interference from the ionization of compounds in the beer matrix.