R-200.31.100 [2016-03] Gushing Tendency in Malt and Adjuncts – Rapid Test

Gushing, also known as fobbing, is a problem that has been linked to multiple sources, including Fusarium infection in grain used in the production of beer. After comprehensive research on raw materials spanning many years, no single substance has yet been identified in a measurable quantity in malt infected with Fusarium, which can clearly be linked to gushing behavior in the finished beer.

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This method describes how to determine the tendency of a sample to exhibit gushing.

Scope of Application

Malted and unmalted grain intended for use in beer brewing or elsewhere in the food industry


A sample is collected of the cereal to be tested and a hot water extraction is carried out. After cold break separation, the sample is carbonated and bottled. After shaking and then opening the bottle, the volume of liquid that fobs over and out of the bottle is measured. This value is used to determine the gushing potential for the malt or adjunct.
