R-110.40.043 [2016-03] Moisture Content in Barley – Capacitance


This method describes how to determine the moisture content of barley. The amount of moisture in barley is relevant for its long-term storage. Moisture contents less than 14 % are considered favorable, below 12 % is better.

Scope of Application

Prior to storage, the moisture content of barley must be determined.


The electrical capacitance of a whole, unground grain sample is measured. The apparatus contains three sensors:

  1. Capacitance
    The moisture present in a sample absorbs the electrical energy between the walls of the sample container. The electrical signal or the “capacity” increases with higher moisture contents of the sample and with larger sample sizes.

  2. Oscillating weight balance
    The oscillating weight balance measures the frequency to determine the mass.

  3. Temperature correction
    The capacitance of the sample rises with the temperature. A Thermistor temperature sensor is built into the sample container. The microprocessor automatically corrects for the moisture content. 
