This is a mathematical method for calculating the utilizable or digestible carbohydrates in beer as a sum of the fermentable extract as determined through an analytical method and through the calculated dextrin content according to B-420.43.999 Calculating Dextrin Content.
Suitable for beer
Aside from carbohydrates composed solely of glucose molecules (with, for example, 0.69 g/100 ml of utilizable carbohydrates remaining in the beer), in highly attenuated beer there are small amounts of pentose molecules (approx. 300 mg/l) and also various glycosides (approx. 100–200 mg/l).
According to their degree of digestibility, additional utilizable carbohydrates amount to 500 mg/l at the most (equal to 0.05 g/100 ml). As a rule, 0.05 g/100 ml is also added to the total value for carbohydrates.